spatie/invade – A PHP function to access private properties and methods

This spatie/invade package offers an invade function that will allow you to read/write private properties of an object. It will also allow you to call private methods.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require spatie/invade


Imagine you have this class defined which has a private property and method.

class MyClass
    private string $privateProperty = 'private value';

    private function privateMethod(): string
        return 'private return value';

$myClass = new Myclass();

This is how you can get the value of the private property using the invade function.

invade($myClass)->privateProperty; // returns 'private value'

The invade function also allows you to change private values.

invade($myClass)->privateProperty = 'changed value';
invade($myClass)->privateProperty; // returns 'changed value

Using invade you can also call private functions.

invade($myClass)->privateMethod(); // returns 'private return value'

Making PHPStan understand Invade

PHPStan will report errors for every invaded private method and property as it is not aware that you can now access them. To remove these errors install the PHPStan extension installer or add the invade PHPStan extension manually to your PHPStan configuration:

    - ./vendor/spatie/invade/phpstan-extension.neon


composer test
vendor/bin/phpstan analyse -c types/phpstan.neon.dist






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